Estados Unidos: Denuncian casi 400 ataques contra iglesias católicas desde 2020

Casi 400 iglesias católicas de Estados Unidos han sufrido ataques desde mayo de 2020, según informa CatholicVote.

Denunciaron el robo de sagrarios, la decapitación de estatuas de santos, saqueos e incluso el incendio de edificios eclesiásticos. Esta oleada de ataques comenzó tras los disturbios civiles y políticos en Estados Unidos que hubo en mayo de 2020 y se intensificaron dos años después, cuando el Tribunal Supremo anuló la ley del aborto del caso Roe contra Wade.


Y no muestran signos de desaceleración: se han producido casi 100 nuevos ataques contra iglesias desde principios de 2023.

La conferencia episcopal de Estados Unidos ha denunciado estos ataques. Y otras organizaciones católicas estadounidenses han pedido incluso al gobierno de Estados Unidos que tome medidas legislativas al respecto.

Ataques a iglesias católicas desde mayo de 2020:  404

Ataques a iglesias católicas desde la fuga de la Corte Suprema:  239

Ataques a las iglesias católicas en 2024:   14



CV NEWS FEED // A medida que los disturbios civiles se apoderaron del país después de la muerte de George Floyd en mayo de 2020, Las iglesias católicas no estaban exentas de las turbas que destruían propiedades en ciudades de todo Estados Unidos. Pero aunque los disturbios y el saqueo se extinguieron en su mayoría en el verano de 2020, los ataques contra las iglesias católicas continuaron y se intensificaron.

Desde que comenzaron los disturbios civiles el 28 de mayo de 2020, ha habido al menos 404 ataques contra iglesias católicas en los Estados Unidos, incluidos los actos de incendio provocado que dañaron o destruyeron iglesias históricas; pintura en aerosol y grafiti de mensajes satánicos; rocas y ladrillos arrojados a través de las ventanas; estatuas destruidas ( a menudo con las cabezas cortadas ); e interrupciones ilegales de la misa. Se han perpetrado al menos 239 ataques contra iglesias católicas desde el proyecto de opinión de la Corte Suprema que propone revertir Roe v. Wade se filtró a principios de mayo de 2022, y muchos incluyeron grafiti con mensajes pro-aborto. De manera crucial, si bien algunos de los ataques han incluido robos, la gran mayoría solo ha involucrado la destrucción de la propiedad, lo que indica que el motivo principal no es la ganancia material.

Haga clic / toque los iconos en el mapa para ver las ubicaciones, fotos y detalles de cada ataque.


Fuente: CatholicVote

Los ataques a las iglesias católicas se han generalizado en todo el país, afectando a 42 estados más DC. Los diez principales estados con más ataques son California ( 54 ),  Nueva York ( 46 ),  Pennsylvania ( 24 ),  Texas ( 19 ),  Colorado ( 17 ),  Ohio ( 16 ), Florida (16),  Massachusetts (16) y Oregón (14).

Los puntos críticos con grandes grupos de ataques incluyen la ciudad de Nueva York ( 39 ) y las áreas metropolitanas de Los Ángeles ( 17 ); Denver ( 15 ); Filadelfia ( 14 ); Portland, Oregón ( 12 ); Boston ( 11 ); Washington, D.C. ( 10 ); Seattle ( 8 ); Chicago ( 7 ); Cincinnati ( 6 ) Louisville ( 6 ); Omaha ( 6 ), Miami/Fort Lauderdale (6); y Houston (5).  Algunas de las iglesias han sido atacadas varias veces.

CatholicVote ha encontrado evidencia de un arresto en relación con un ataque contra una iglesia en solo alrededor del 25% de los casos.

Hasta ahora, la administración de Biden se ha negado a actuar para proteger las iglesias católicas y detener estos actos de terrorismo doméstico. En diciembre de 2021, CatholicVote envió una carta al Fiscal General Merrick Garland y al Departamento de Justicia ( DOJ ) pidiéndoles que actúen, señalando un estatuto federal que requiere que el Fiscal General investigue y procese dichos delitos.

“El vandalismo que estamos viendo hoy está aumentando rápidamente a niveles que no se han visto desde finales de 1800 y principios de 1900 por parte de grupos organizados como Know-Nothings y Ku Klux Klan”, afirma el presidente de CatholicVote, Brian Burch.

Fiscal General Asociado Vanita Gupta respondió en una carta de enero de 2022 que promete una revisión de “15 días para garantizar que se desplieguen todos los recursos apropiados para proteger las casas de culto” pero desde entonces, no ha habido evidencia de acciones específicas tomadas por el Departamento de Justicia, y los ataques han continuado.

Una nueva ola de ataques contra iglesias católicas comenzó a raíz de la filtración de opinión de la Corte Suprema en mayo de 2022. Burch ha renovado su llamado a Garland y al Departamento de Justicia para hacer cumplir la ley federal y enjuiciar los ataques. Ni Garland ni el Departamento de Justicia parecen haber tomado ninguna medida específica, y no ha habido enjuiciamientos federales en ninguno de los casos, a pesar de que atacar un lugar de culto es un delito federal.

Según un reporte en junio de 2022, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional advirtió en privado a la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos de “ amenazas creíbles ” contra iglesias y clérigos católicos después de la revocación de Roe v. Wade.

Un boletín del Sistema Nacional de Asesoramiento sobre Terrorismo emitido en junio de 2022 advirtió que espera que el entorno de amenaza “se vuelva más dinámico ya que podrían explotarse varios eventos de alto perfil para justificar actos de violencia contra una variedad de posibles objetivos ”, incluidas “ instituciones basadas en la fe” y “casas de culto”. Los ataques se aceleraron después de que la Corte Suprema emitió su fallo final anulando Roe v. Wade en junio de 2022.

En enero de 2023, CatholicVote envió una carta a EE. UU. El presidente del Comité Judicial de la Cámara de Representantes, Jim Jordan ( R-OH ), instándolo a usar los poderes del comité para abrir una investigación sobre el fracaso del Departamento de Justicia de Biden en actuar contra de estos actos de odio.

Los ataques han continuado sin cesar, sin signos de desaceleración; hubo 104 ataques contra iglesias católicas en 2023.

2020: 60 ataques contra iglesias católicas
2021: 82 ataques contra iglesias católicas
2022: 143 ataques contra iglesias católicas
2023: 104 ataques contra iglesias católicas
2024: 14 ataques contra iglesias católicas


 Notas: Este rastreador incluye todos los actos denunciados de vandalismo y violencia contra las iglesias desde el 28 de mayo de 2020. Casi todos los informes provienen de agencias de noticias, mientras que algunos han sido reportados directamente a CatholicVote, con documentación, por correo electrónico. Se incluyen robos de objetos sagrados, incluidos tabernáculos y estatuas, pero robos de efectivo, cobre, electrónica, etc., y otros casos en los que el motivo parece ser una ganancia puramente material, no están incluidos.

DateCityStateChurchShort DescriptionLinkArrests?Arrest LinkActual/Estimated Cost
May 28, 2020MinneapolisMinnesotaBasilica of St. MaryPews set on fire found$100,000
May 28, 2020MinneapolisMinnesotaSt. OlafUnspecified damage found$5,000
May 29, 2020DallasTexasSt. Jude ChapelWindows smashed found$5,000
May 29, 2020LouisvilleKentuckyCathedral of the AssumptionRectory windows shattered found$20,000
May 30, 2020Los AngelesCaliforniaOur Lady of Mount LebanonAnti-police graffiti found$25,000
May 30, 2020New YorkNew YorkSt. Patrick's CathedralBLM graffiti*DA declined to prosecute -$10,000
May 30, 2020IndianapolisIndianaSt. John the EvangelistCar set on fire in parking lot$5,000
May 31, 2020DenverColoradoCathedral Basilica of the Immaculate ConceptionAtheist graffiti found$10,000
June 16, 2020FlagstaffArizonaOur Lady of Guadalupe ChapelCrucifix spray-painted found$10,000
June 18, 2020BooneNorth CarolinaSt. ElizabethTabernacle with consecrated hosts stolen$5,000
June 22, 2020ProvidenceRhode IslandDominican Community CemeteryDominican cemetery defaced$15,000
July 3, 2020GaryIndianaSt. AnnMary statue beheaded found$3,000
July 4, 2020FremontCaliforniaMission San JoseRed graffiti representing blood found$10,000
July 6, 2020RockfordIllinoisSt. BernadetteCrucifix smashed found$5,000
July 10, 2020ElmhurstNew YorkCathedral Preparatory School & SeminaryAnti-Catholic graffiti found$5,000
July 11, 2020San GabrielCaliforniaMission San Gabriel ArcángelChurch destroyed by arsonist$7,000,000
July 11, 2020OcalaFloridaQueen of PeaceMan drives car through church and sets it on fire with people inside$100,000
July 12, 2020Punta GordaFloridaSacred HeartFive statues destroyed$25,000
July 12, 2020DorchesterMassachusettsSt. PeterMary statue set on fire found$5,000
July 13, 2020ChattanoogaTennesseeSt. StephenMary statue beheaded found$2,000
July 14, 2020Colorado SpringsColoradoSt. Mary's CathedralStatue decapitated found$5,000
July 14, 2020MiamiFloridaGood ShepherdStatues destroyed; anti-Catholic graffiti found$5,000
July 15, 2020New HavenConnecticutSt. JosephSatanic graffiti found$10,000
July 19, 2020BloomingburgNew YorkOur Lady of the AssumptionPro-life memorial destroyed found$3,000
July 24, 2020RockfordIllinoisSt. BernadetteShrine destroyed a second time in three weeks found$5,000
August 3, 2020WeymouthMassachusettsSacred HeartAttempted arson of church found$100,000
August 8, 2020Wounded KneeSouth DakotaSacred HeartDeconsecrated church destroyed by arson found$500,000
August 9, 2020DenverColoradoOur Lady of GuadalupeStatue destroyed found$5,000
August 17, 2020Citrus HeightsCaliforniaHoly FamilyStatue destroyed, swastika painted found$10,000
August 24, 2020AllentownPennsylvaniaOur Lady Help of ChristiansStatue damaged found$5,000
August 25, 2020KenoshaWisconsinSt. JamesUpside down cross painted, windows smashed found$40,000
September 11, 2020BrooklynNew YorkShrine of Our Lady of SolaceOur Lady of Guadalupe statue destroyed found$4,000
September 13, 2020MidvaleUtahSt. Therese of the Child JesusStatue destroyed; office burglarized found$10,000
September 15, 2020El PasoTexasSt. Patrick CathedralJesus statue destroyed$25,000
September 23, 2020Town & CountryFloridaIncarnationChurch set on fire$150,000
September 24, 2020San AntonioTexasAssumption SeminaryCrucifix, doors damaged found$20,000
September 25, 2020El CajonCaliforniaSt. Peter ChaldeanGraffiti including "Biden 2020" found$10,000
September 25, 2020El CajonCaliforniaOur Mother of Perpetual HelpSwastika graffiti found$10,000
September 29, 2020Fall RiverMassachusettsCathedral of St. Mary of the AssumptionStatues destroyed; windows smashed$15,000
October 1, 2020DerryPennsylvaniaSt. JosephChurch ransacked found$20,000
October 1, 2020DerryPennsylvaniaSt. JosephChurch ransacked found$20,000
October 12, 2020San RafaelCaliforniaMission San RafaelStatue destroyed$10,000
October 17, 2020BoulderColoradoSt. Thomas Aquinas Catholic CenterSatanic graffitiNoNone found$5,000
October 19, 2020MagnoliaArkansasImmaculate Heart of MaryPro-life memorial destroyed found$1,500
October 20, 2020BrooklynNew YorkResurrectionStatue damaged found$5,000
October 21, 2020Prescott ValleyArizonaSt. GermaineStatues destroyed$1,500
October 22, 2020ScrantonPennsylvaniaSts. Peter & PaulStatue damaged found$5,000
October 27, 2020LouisvilleKentuckySt. Martin of ToursAltar ransacked$90,000
November 1, 2020DerryPennsylvaniaSt. JosephChurch ransacked found$20,000
November 8, 2020ShamokinPennsylvaniaMother CabriniStatue destroyed found$5,000
November 9, 2020ChicagoIllinoisSt. Mary of Perpetual HelpStatue of Mary doused with paint; atheist graffiti found$15,000
November 10, 2020MilfordConnecticutSt. GabrielPainting defaced; kitchen ransacked found$10,000
November 15, 2020BrewsterWashingtonSacred HeartChurch set on fire$100,000
November 23, 2020SunriseFloridaSt. BernardArson; statues tossed down sewer found$6,000
November 30, 2020DerryPennsylvaniaSt. JosephSanctuary ransacked found$20,000
December 2, 2020DerryPennsylvaniaSt. JosephParish school ransacked found$20,000
December 6, 2020HoumaLouisianaSt. Louis"This is the end" graffiti found$10,000
December 11, 2020San Juan CapistranoCaliforniaMission San Juan CapistranoGraffiti (message unclear) found$10,000
December 25, 2020IndianapolisIndianaSt. John the EvangelistNativity scene destroyed on Christmas morning found$10,000
December 28, 2020Fall RiverMassachusettsCathedral of St. Mary of the AssumptionWindows smashed found$75,000
January 1, 2021New YorkNew YorkSt. Patrick's CathedralAnti-police graffiti found$10,000
January 11, 2021LakewoodColoradoSt. BernadetteAnti-Catholic and pro-LGBT graffiti$5,000
January 19, 2021ToledoOhioRosary CathedralArson and graffiti found$5,000
January 22, 2021ColumbusOhioSt. Joseph CathedralPro-abortion protestors disrupt Mass$0
January 29, 2021HoustonTexasQueen of PeaceOur Lady of Guadalupe statue shot six times found$5,000
February 10, 2021El PasoTexasSt. Pius XStatues destroyed found$15,000
February 16, 2021DenverColoradoSt. Anthony of PaduaAltar ransacked, statue destroyed found$15,000
February 17, 2021GowerMissouriAbbey of Our Lady of EphesusGunshots fired at remote abbey found$200,000
February 17, 2021PortlandOregonSt. Mary CathedralMan smashes windows, breaks in to rectory$40,000
February 19, 2021San Juan CapistranoCaliforniaMission San Juan CapistranoDoors damaged found$10,000
February 21, 2021GowerMissouriAbbey of the Benedictines of MaryGunshots fired at remote abbey found$200,000
February 25, 2021KnobsIndianaSt. Mary of the KnobsAnti-Catholic graffiti found$7,500
February 27, 2021YoungstownOhioBasilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel16 statues destroyed$100,000
March 2, 2021Fort WorthTexasSt. Thomas the ApostleStatues destroyed found$5,000
March 12, 2021BostonMassachusettsSt. Monica & St. AugustineStatue damaged found$5,000
March 12, 2021BostonMassachusettsSt. Teresa of CalcuttaUnknown substance sprayed on locks to prevent entry found$2,000
March 13, 2021WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaSt. JosephSatanic graffiti found$0
March 18, 2021SpokaneWashingtonSt. CharlesParish school set on fire$2,000,000
March 24, 2021GowerMissouriAbbey of the BenedictinesGunshots fired at remote abbey found$0
April 15, 2021WoodlandCaliforniaHoly RosaryThree statues defaced found$5,000
April 16, 2021FargoNorth DakotaCathedral of St. MaryStatue doused in paint$5,000
April 17, 2021Rancho CordovaCaliforniaSt. John VianneySatanic graffiti found$2,000
April 18, 2021Van NuysCaliforniaHoly RosaryStatues destroyed found$5,000
April 25, 2021Van NuysCaliforniaSt. Elisabeth of HungaryOur Lady of Guadalupe mural defaced by man with sledgehammer found$5,000
May 3, 2021WalthamMassachusettsSt. Charles BorromeoStatue destroyed found$5,000
May 6, 2021RiversideCaliforniaSacred HeartStatues destroyed, windows smashed$20,000
May 8, 2021EverettMassachusettsOur Lady of GraceWindows smashed found$10,000
May 9, 2021PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaSt. LeoChurch destroyed by arson$2,500,000
May 9, 2021NarragansettRhode IslandSt. Thomas MoreStatue damaged found$1,000
May 14, 2021BrooklynNew YorkSt. AthanasiusCrucifix destroyed; American flag burned$5,000
May 15, 2021Staten IslandNew YorkOur Lady of Mount CarmelStatues destroyed,22418NoNone found$5,000
May 17, 2021BrooklynNew YorkDiocese of BrooklynStatue destroyed found$5,000
May 27, 2021LeavenworthWashingtonOur Lady of the AssumptionChurch ransacked found$20,000
May 31, 2021Port CharlotteFloridaSt. Charles BorromeoWindows damaged$3,500
June 8, 2021QueensNew YorkImmaculate ConceptionUnidentified graffiti found$10,000
June 19, 2021PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaSt. VeronicaChurch set on fire found$12,000
June 26, 2021PortlandOregonSt. AndrewWindows smashed found$2,000
June 26, 2021PortlandOregonSt. PatrickChurch set on fire found$40,000
June 30, 2021DenverColoradoHoly GhostAnti-police graffiti found$10,000
July 1, 2021Jersey CityNew JerseyHoly RosaryStatues destroyed$5,000
July 2, 2021SeattleWashingtonSt. James CathedralProtestors leave red handprints on walls found$25,000
July 2, 2021PortlandOregonSt. Francis of AssisiProtestors leave red handprints on walls found$10,000
July 4, 2021MercedCaliforniaSt. PatrickStatues splashed with red paint$10,000
July 7, 2021AshevilleNorth CarolinaBasilica of St. LawrenceJesus statue splashed with red paint found$1,000
July 8, 2021Los AngelesCaliforniaSt. MaryChurch bell tower set on fire$20,000
July 11, 2021PortlandOregonHoly RedeemerUnspecified graffiti found$5,000
July 17, 2021QueensNew YorkOur Lady of MercyStatues destroyed by woman in a rage$25,000
July 25, 2021South BendIndianaChrist the KingMan breaks in to church; damage unspecified$5,000
August 6, 2021SeattleWashingtonSt. Benedict"House of murder" graffiited found$10,000
August 9, 2021BronxNew YorkImmaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin MaryMary statue set on fire found$1,000
August 11, 2021North Little RockArkansasSt. PatrickTwo statues destroyed, causing $20,000 in damages$20,000
August 12, 2021Spring ValleyNew YorkSt. JosephStatue destroyed found$5,000
August 17, 2021FlushingNew YorkSt. MichaelStatue destroyed found$2,000
August 29, 2021Miami ShoresFloridaSt. MarthaStatue destroyed found$5,000
August 31, 2021DenverColoradoCurè d’ArsConsecrated hosts, tabernacle, and other items stolen$100,000
September 2, 2021JayMaineSt. Rose of LimaSatanic graffiti found$5,000
September 5, 2021LouisvilleColoradoSt. LouisPro-abortion graffiti found$15,000
September 8, 2021PittsfieldMassachusettsSt. JosephArson$10,000
September 23, 2021Van NuysCaliforniaSt. Peter Armenian Apostolic ChurchWindows smashed found$40,000
September 29, 2021BoulderColoradoSacred Heart of MaryPro-abortion graffiti found$25,000
September 29, 2021Miami ShoresFloridaSt. MarthaStatue destroyed found$2,500
October 10, 2021SeattleWashingtonSt. Edward"House of murder" graffiited found$10,000
October 10, 2021DenverColoradoCathedral Basilica of the Immaculate ConceptionSatanic graffiti$10,000
October 11, 2021Los AngelesCaliforniaSt. Peter's Italian Catholic ChurchPaint splashed found$15,000
October 21, 2021Manhattan BeachCaliforniaAmerican Martyrs ChurchThreatening anti-Catholic graffiti found$10,000
October 22, 2021WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaAnnunciationSwastika graffiti found$5,000
October 22, 2021FraminghamMassachusettsSt. Stephen's Catholic Cemetery25 headstones of Sisters of St. Joseph knocked over$5,000
October 24, 2021TacomaWashingtonSt. Charles BorromeoParish office destroyed by arsonist$1,000,000
November 1, 2021FargoNorth DakotaSt. Anthony of PaduaStatue destroyed found$5,000
November 5, 2021FremontCaliforniaMission San Jose"Land back" graffiti found$25,000
November 7, 2021Lake ForestCaliforniaSantiago de Compostela Catholic ChurchJesus statue smashedReported to CV$5,000
November 9, 2021ChicagoIllinoisSt. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic CathedralUnspecified graffiti found$10,000
November 28, 2021KnoxvilleTennesseeCatholic CharitiesArson destroys building found$1,300,000
November 29, 2021DeLandFloridaSt. PeterWindows smashed; statues destroyed found$5,000
November 1, 2021EmmonakAlaskaSacred HeartChurch ransacked and crucifix smashed found$5,000
December 7, 2021WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaBasilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate ConceptionStatue of Our Lady of Fatima destroyed found$3,000
December 12, 2021HillsboroughNew JerseyMary Mother of GodChristmas decorations damaged/stolen found$2,000
December 13, 2021PortlandIndianaImmaculate ConceptionChurch set on fire$100,000
December 14, 2021StanleyNorth DakotaQueen of the Most Holy RosaryVents blocked, causing carbon monoxide poisoning; windows smashedReported to CV$25,000
December 23, 2021HillsboroughNew JerseyMary Mother of GodChristmas decorations damaged/stolen found$2,000
December 26, 2021Woodland ParkNew JerseyHoly CrossStatues stolen from Nativity scene$3,000
December 29, 2021HillsboroughNew JerseyMary Mother of GodChristmas decorations damaged/stolen found$10,000
January 14, 2022FresnoCaliforniaSt. AlphonsusTabernacle stolen found$35,000
January 20, 2022WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaBasilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate ConceptionSacrilege by pro-abortion protestors found$0
January 26, 2022BurkeVirginiaNativityFatima statues destroyed found$15,000
January 27, 2022GreenwoodMississippiImmaculate Heart of MaryAltar ransacked found$50,000
February 14, 2022AlbuquerqueNew MexicoShrine of the Little FlowerWindows smashed; $100,000 in damage$100,000
February 17, 2022MilledgevilleGeorgiaSacred HeartStatues destroyed found$2,500
February 18, 2022FraminghamMassachusettsSt. Stephen's Catholic CemeterySeven headstones knocked over$15,000
February 23, 2022San AntonioTexasSt. Margaret Mary300 pound Holy Family statue stolen found$7,500
February 28, 2022San FranciscoCaliforniaCathedral of St. Mary of the AssumptionCostumed protestors disrupt Mass found$0
February 28, 2022BaltimoreMarylandSt. Michael the ArchangelTombstones toppled found$15,000
March 1, 2022JacksonvilleFloridaHoly FamilySatanic graffiti; statues destroyed$2,500
March 8, 2022Royal OakMichiganSt. MaryStatues destroyed; windows smashed$25,000
March 12, 2022WellingtonKansasSt. AnthonySatanic graffiti$10,000
March 18, 2022BethlehemPennsylvaniaSt. JosaphatVandalism and theft
March 19, 2022Woodland HillsCaliforniaSt. Mel'sStatues damaged found$30,000
March 22, 2022PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaCathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter & PaulStatue destroyed found$10,000
March 24, 2022Santa MonicaCaliforniaSt. MonicaMen attempt to pry open tabernacle doors, steal $150k of audio equipment$175,000
March 26, 2022HydesMarylandSt. John the EvangelistTabernacle stolen$20,000
March 26, 2022CeresCaliforniaSt. JudeOur Lady of Fatima statue stolen$5,000
April 1, 2022North BeachMarylandSt. AnthonySanctuary ransacked; possible satanic element$2,000
April 8, 2022AustinTexasCristo Rey30 windows smashed$30,000
April 16, 2022BooneNorth CarolinaSt. ElizabethMan pours gasoline outside doors of church$1,000
April 27, 2022AtchisonKansasSt. Benedict's AbbeyVestments and statues stolen; graffiti spray-painted$15,000
May 4, 2022BoulderColoradoSacred Heart of MaryPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
May 4, 2022Eagle RiverAlaskaSt. AndrewVulgar graffiti found$20,000
May 5, 2022ArmadaMichiganSt. Joseph's PriorySatanic graffiti, "Republicans dead" found$25,000
May 8, 2022Fort CollinsColoradoSt. John XXIIIPro-abortion graffiti found$15,000
May 7, 2022Los AngelesCaliforniaCathedral of Our Lady of the AngelsCostumed protestors disrupt Mass found$0
May 8, 2022AtlantaGeorgiaCathedral of Christ the KingPro-abortion activists disrupt Mass found$0
May 8, 2022New YorkNew YorkBasilica of St. Patrick's Old CathedralPro-abortion demonstrators attempt to invade church found$0
May 9, 2022KatyTexasSt. Bartholomew the ApostleTabernacle stolen,7505$10,000
May 9, 2022HoustonTexasSt. Elizabeth Ann SetonAttempted desecration of the Eucharist found$5,000
May 9, 2022HoustonTexasHoly RosaryPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
May 11, 2022Overland ParkKansasChurch of the AscensionPro-abortion graffiti found$5,000
May 17, 2022New YorkNew YorkOur Lady of SorrowsStatues destroyed found$7,500
May 17, 2022West Windsor TownshipNew JerseySt. David the King"Worthless" spray-painted on memorial$1,000
May 17, 2022West Windsor TownshipNew JerseySt. David the KingStatue vandalized$2,500
May 20, 2022BethlehemPennsylvaniaSt. JosaphatVandalism and theft found$20,000
May 21, 2022OakdaleCaliforniaSt. MaryMultiple acts of vandalism$30,000
May 22, 2022OlympiaWashingtonSt. MichaelPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
May 27, 2022VillasNew JerseySt. John NeumannPro-life sign destroyed$500
May 28, 2022HollywoodFloridaArchdiocese of Miami Respect Life OfficeJane's Revenge graffiti found$5,000
May 30, 2022BrooklynNew YorkSt. AugustineTabernacle worth $2 million in gold stolen; statues destroyed found$2,050,000
June 3, 2022HillsboroughNorth CarolinaHoly FamilyPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
June 3, 2022VillasNew JerseySt. John NeumannPro-abortion graffiti$5,000
June 4, 2022San FranciscoCaliforniaCathedral of St. Mary of the AssumptionCostumed protestors disrupt Mass found$0
June 12, 2022EastpointeMichiganSt. VeronicaNaked protestor disrupts Mass found$0
June 22, 2022FredericksburgTexasSt. Mary'sMan attempts to firebomb churchReported to CVYes$0
June 23, 2022BuffaloNew YorkSt. MargaretStatues destroyed found$15,000
June 24, 2022BrooklynNew YorkGuardian AngelPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
June 25, 2022RentonWashingtonSt. AnthonyLocks jammed, windows smashed, pro-abortion graffiti found$30,000
June 25, 2022HutchinsonKansasSt. TeresaPro-abortion graffiti$500
June 25, 2022New OrleansLouisianaHoly Name of MaryRed paint splashed on Mary grotto; pro-abortion graffiti found$5,000
June 25, 2022South BendIndianaSt. Therese Little FlowerPro-abortion graffiti found$1,000
June 26, 2022BellevueWashingtonSt. LouiseMan identifying as woman spray-paints church then assaults employee$100,000
June 26, 2022PortlandOregonAll SaintsJane's Revenge graffiti found$5,000
June 26, 2022HarlingenTexasSt. AnthonyStatues destroyed found$5,000
June 26, 2022ChicagoIllinoisImmaculate ConceptionPro-abortion protestors disrupt Mass found$0
June 26, 2022RestonVirginiaSt. John NeumannChurch set on fire; pro-abortion graffiti found$25,000
June 26, 2022PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaSt. Patrick"Abort the church" graffiti found$5,000
June 27, 2022Shady SpringWest VirginiaSt. ColmanChurch destroyed by arsonists$1,000,000
June 27, 2022New YorkNew YorkAscensionJane's Revenge graffiti found$10,000
June 27, 2022FraminghamMassachusettsSt. GeorgeRed paint splashed on statue, doors found$5,000
June 28, 2022TopekaKansasMost Pure Heart of MaryValue Them Both sign spray-painted$500
June 30, 2022Chippewa FallsWisconsinSt. PeterPro-abortion graffiti of interest -$10,000
June 30, 2022Chippewa FallsWisconsinHoly GhostPro-abortion graffiti of interest -$10,000
June 30, 2022Chippewa FallsWisconsinNotre DamePro-abortion graffiti of interest -$10,000
June 30, 2022Chippewa FallsWisconsinSt. CharlesPro-abortion graffiti of interest -$10,000
June 30, 2022LorainOhioSt. Anthony of PaduaArson causes $1 million in damage found$1,000,000
June 30, 2022EvansvilleIndianaSt. AnthonyFront of church graffitied with "abort me"Reported to CV$5,000
July 1, 2022VintonIowaSt. MaryPro-life sign defaced found$500
July 1, 2022PortlandOregonHoly RedeemerRioters attempt to storm church found$0
July 1, 2022WestonWest VirginiaSt. BernardUnspecified vandalism found$2,000
July 2, 2022MadisonWisconsinSt. BernardPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
July 2, 2022New YorkNew YorkBasilica of St. Patrick's Old CathedralPro-abortion protestors disrupt Mass found$0
July 3, 2022LebanonPennsylvaniaLebanon Catholic High SchoolArson causes serious damage$250,000
July 4, 2022San FranciscoCaliforniaStar of the SeaFacade doused with paintReported to CV$5,000
July 7, 2022OntarioOregonBlessed SacramentPro-abortion graffiti found$500
July 7, 2022UplandCaliforniaSt. JosephViolent threats during Mass[0]=AZVjEfWAhNJuytuEUI3F60tSkZNNEeLLb14ly9be6hpk5rjjdMrUbffzLxWUw71sIgTe3vJ6FdRT6Djek8Pw9R-uwrtnZ-GL8ZFZRoSyByRg5Z24-0YycaNzfPi1kjirZ5mruQTKwx-75iPmRwYNlWTLyu27IpVXDP193i3SNnqjmA&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-RYes$0
July 9, 2022Lower TownshipNew JerseySt. John Neumann"Defenestrate babies", Satanic graffiti$5,000
July 10, 2022Overland ParkKansasChurch of the AscensionPro-abortion graffiti; Mary statue doused in red paint found$10,000
July 10, 2022BethesdaMarylandSt. Jane Frances de ChantalChurch set on fire; altar ransacked, items burned$150,000
July 11, 2022PortlandOregonSt. PatrickPro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
July 11, 2022PortlandOregonArchdiocese of Portland OfficePro-abortion graffiti found$10,000
July 12, 2022EmporiaKansasDidde Catholic Campus CenterPro-life sign defaced found$500
July 14, 2022LansingMichiganLansing Catholic High SchoolWindows smashed$5,000
July 14, 2022LansingMichiganSt. Thomas AquinasMary statue destroyed$5,000
July 15, 2022Long BeachMississippiSt. ThomasStatues destroyed$5,000
July 20, 2022HalsteadKansasSacred HeartPro-life display damaged found$500
July 20, 2022HoumaLouisianaHoly RosaryStatues destroyed found$10,000
July 21, 2022FraminghamMassachusettsSt. George"Pedo priest" spray-painted found$1,500
July 23, 2022KingsburgCaliforniaHoly FamilyHoly Family statues destroyed found$5,000
July 28, 2022OmahaNebraskaMary Our QueenBlessed Mother statue stolen$5,000
July 31, 2022BakersfieldCaliforniaSan Clemente MissionStatue destroyed found$70,000
July 9, 2022Kennett SquarePennsylvaniaSt. PatrickStatues damaged, graffiti found$10,000
July 20, 2022SpringfieldGeorgiaSt. BonifacePro-life sign defaced with vile message found$500
July 31, 2022BakersfieldCaliforniaSt. JosephApparent Satanic ritual found$0
August 6, 2022New YorkNew YorkBasilica of St. Patrick's Old CathedralRioters attempt to storm church$0
August 6, 2022DenverColoradoAssumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryGunshots fired at church found$75,000
August 8, 2022DenverColoradoAssumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryGunshots fired at church found$0
August 10, 2022WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaSt. Anthony of PaduaStatue destroyed, garden ransacked$30,000
August 16, 2022WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaSt. Anthony of PaduaStatues desecrated$0
August 17, 2022EvansvilleIndianaSt. MaryWindows smashed found$15,000
August 19, 2022Glens FallsNew YorkSt. MaryPro-life memorial damaged; statues graffitied$5,000
August 21, 2022WestonWest VirginiaSt. BernardMan and woman break into church; nothing stolen$0
August 23, 2022PalatineIllinoisSt. TheresaSwastika graffitiReported to CVNoNone found$2,500
August 29, 2022HoustonTexasSt. Michael the ArchangelWindows smashedReported to CVNoNone found$5,000
August 30, 2022GibbsboroNew JerseySt. Andrew the ApostleOur Lady of Fatima statue stolen$0
September 10, 2022Santa RosaCaliforniaChancery of the Diocese of Santa RosaBLM, atheist, anarchist graffitiReported to CV$20,000
September 16, 2022Sauk CentreMinnesotaOur Lady of the AngelsExtensive damage; suspects arrested$20,000
September 18, 2022Palo AltoCaliforniaSt. Thomas Aquinas Pastoral CenterRacist graffiti found$10,000
September 21, 2022BethlehemPennsylvaniaSt. JosaphatVandalism and theft found$0
September 19, 2022DetroitMichiganSt. HyacinthTheft of various items, damage to building found$10,000
September 24, 2022New YorkNew YorkSt. Patrick's CathedralPro-abortion extremists shout obscenities found$0
September 25, 2022ArcataCaliforniaSt. MaryBLM graffiti found$5,000
October 3, 2022QueensNew YorkMary's Nativity / St. AnnMan smashes Mary statue and runs over sign$10,000
October 5, 2022TulsaOklahomaHoly Family CathedralAttack on employee and attempted arson$25,000
October 9, 2022LansingMichiganChurch of the ResurrectionThreatening and lewd pro-abortion graffiti found$25,000
October 9, 2022HuntingtonWest VirginiaOur Lady of FatimaFlags removed from pro-life memorial$100
October 17, 2022WatsonvilleCaliforniaSt. PatrickChurch set on fire by arsonist$100,000
October 23, 2022El PasoTexasSt. Stephen, Deacon & MartyrMan attempts to engrave graffiti on glass doors found$3,000
October 23, 2022RevaSouth DakotaOur Lady of the Prairie"Almost everything", including the tabernacle, stolen found$100,000
October 25, 2022ColusaCaliforniaOur Lady of LourdesAltar ransacked$10,000
October 28, 2022New YorkNew YorkSt. Patrick's CathedralMan throws wrench through Cardinal Dolan's residence glass doors$5,000
October 29, 2022New YorkNew YorkArchdiocese of New YorkMan throws rock through glass at archdiocesan offices$5,000
October 30, 2022Mountlake TerraceWashingtonSt. Pius XSatanic graffiti found$2,500
October 30, 2022WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaSt. Stephen the MartyrRed substance splashed on Blessed Mother statue found$1,500
October 30, 2022GreensboroNorth CarolinaOur Lady of GraceBlessed Mother statue defacedReported to CV$2,500
October 31, 2022RochesterMinnesotaCalvary CemeteryGraves and columbarium spray-prainted with Satanic graffiti found$10,000
November 1, 2022StanfordCaliforniaMemorial ChurchSacramental wine spilled at back of church$0
November 1, 2022LansingMichiganChurch of the ResurrectionMan attempts to knock over anti-Proposal 3 sign$0
November 21, 2022KenoshaWisconsinSt. PeterDivine Mercy image spray-painted in unknown language found$5,000
November 23, 2022Eagle RiverAlaskaSt. AndrewVulgar graffiti$5,000
November 26, 2022WestonWest VirginiaSt. Bernard$2,000 of damage to window (third attack this year on this church)$2,000
December 3, 2022OmahaNebraskaSt. John Paul II Newman CenterNote threatening violence taped to door$0
December 10, 2022DowningtownPennsylvaniaSt. JosephMultiple statues damaged or destroyed$1,000
December 12, 2023EdinburghIndianaHoly TrinityNativity scene stolen
December 24, 2022Tybee IslandGeorgiaSt. Michael'sStatues stolen from Nativity scene$11,000
December 24, 2022San FranciscoCaliforniaStar of the SeaMan doused facade with paint and threatened pastorReported to CV$5,000
December 25, 2022ScrantonPennsylvaniaSt. Peter's Cathedral"666" carved on church doors on Christmas DayCathedral of Saint Peter vandalized on Christmas - YouTubeYes$3,000
December 25, 2022EscondidoCaliforniaSt. Mary'sMan breaks in to church and damages statue of Mary$40,000
December 25, 2022San FranciscoCaliforniaStar of the Sea"We Hate God" graffitied on doorsReported to CV$5,000
December 30, 2022Grand IslandNebraskaBlessed SacramentBrick thrown through window$5,000
January 5, 2023SubiacoArkansasSubiaco AbbeyMan breaks through altar and steals reliquaries; attempts to destroy tabernacle$100,000
January 5, 2023QueensNew YorkSt. Nicholas of TolentineVandals destroy Nativity scene$5,000
January 8, 2023Fort WorthTexasAll SaintsVandal destroys Blessed Mother statue
January 9, 2023EscondidoCaliforniaSt. Mary'sSame man damages different statue of Mary
January 10, 2023EscondidoCaliforniaSt. Mary'sSame man throws object through windows
January 13, 2023WoodburyNew JerseyHoly AngelsMan sets cross on fire$5,000
January 13, 2023RunnemedeNew JerseyHoly ChildMan attempts to throw brick through window$0
January 13, 2023BlackwoodNew JerseySt. AgnesMan throws brick through window then sets flagpole on fire$7,500
January 16, 2023BillingsMontanaSt. Patrick's Co-CathedralNativity scene destroyed$5,000
January 16, 2023BillingsMontanaMary Queen of PeaceImage of Our Lady of Guadalupe image defaced$12,300
January 20, 2023PittsburghPennsylvaniaSt. RosaliaMemorial to aborted babies defaced$3,000
January 20, 2023MarathonFloridaSan PabloBaby Jesus figure stolen from Nativity scene; two statues destroyed$5,000
January 20, 2023IrontonOhioOur Lady of FatimaThree statues stolen$0
January 20, 2023CincinnatiOhioSt. BonifaceDoors graffitied$5,000
January 24, 2023FargoNorth DakotaCathedral of St. MaryWoman smashes Jesus statue$11,500
January 25, 2023Fall RiverMassachusettsGood ShepherdMan pours bleach on Mary statue and destroys baby Jesus statue$5,000
January 26, 2023RiverviewFloridaSt. StephenPro-life banners defaced with pro-abortion graffiti$500
January 29, 2023AtchisonKansasSt. Benedict's AbbeyVestments damaged; crucifix and candle stolenReported to CV$5,000
January 29, 2023CantonNew YorkSt. Mary'sThree 100-year-old statues stolen, later found damaged$0
February 1, 2023ManisteeMichiganSt. JosephUnspecified vandalism$0
February 10, 2023DarnestownMarylandOur Lady of the VisitationBlessed Mother statue stolen$2,500
February 19, 2023PensacolaFloridaSt. John'sMary statue vandalizedReported to CV$2,500
February 19, 2023HobbsNew MexicoSt. HelenaUnidentified graffiti spray-painted$1,000
March 3, 2023LouisvilleKentuckySt. Joseph"TRANS PWR" graffitied on church after passage of bill in legislature$5,000
March 11, 2023LedyardConnecticutOur Lady of LourdesMan defaces church by breaking windows, writing on walls$12,000
March 21, 2023MetairieLouisianaSt. Edward the ConfessorRegistered sex offender knocks over Blessed Mother statue$4,000
March 22, 2023MetairieLouisianaSt. Edward the ConfessorSame man knocks over Blessed Mother statue again plus one more$0
March 23, 2023OmahaNebraskaSt. MaryStained glass windows smashed$40,000
March 1, 2023OmahaNebraskaCatholic CharitiesWindows smashed$5,000
March 23, 2023QueensNew YorkHoly Family Three men caught on camera destroying statue$500
March 26, 2023Hacienda HeightsCaliforniaResidence of the late Bishop David O'ConnellTabernacle stolen from private chapel of murdered bishop$10,000
March 31, 2023SyracuseNebraskaSt. PaulinusAltar desecrated, sanctuary ransacked$5,000
April 1, 2023CoronaCaliforniaCorpus ChristiOur Lady of Guadalupe statue destroyed$5,000
April 10, 2023JohnstownPennsylvaniaSt. Clare of Assisi "Hippocrites" [sic] and atheist graffiti$2,500
April 16, 2023ChurubuscoNew YorkImmaculate Heart of MaryThree men ransack church$10,000
April 23, 2023Tybee IslandGeorgiaSt. MichaelStatue destroyed by marauding college students
April 24, 2023MetairieLouisianaSt. Edward the ConfessorMan damages three statues$0
April 24, 2023DenverColoradoSt. Catherine of SienaAntique Belgian statue of the Blessed Mother destroyedReported to CV$15,000
May 2, 2023SeattleWashingtonChapel of St. IgnatiusChurch ransacked$30,000
May 2, 2023BrooklynNew YorkCatholic Charities of Brooklyn & QueensTwo men throw brick through windows$2,000
May 13, 2023CincinnatiOhioChapel of Good Samaritan HospitalWoman defecates on altar of chapel in Catholic hospital$500
May 14, 2023Goose CreekSouth CarolinaImmaculate ConceptionMary statues smashed on Mother's Day$5,000
May 24, 2023Des PlainesIllinoisShrine of Our Lady of GuadalupeOutdoor shrine set on fire; suspected arsonist arrested$78,000
May 28, 2023Bay VillageOhioSt. RaphaelMan hijacks Mass, speaks hateful rhetoric from pulpitReported to CV$0
May 28, 2023MartinSouth DakotaOur Lady of the Sacred HeartOur Lady of Fatima statue and bench thrown down ravineReported to CV$1,000
June 2, 2023CincinnatiOhioImmaculate Heart of MarySacred Heart of Jesus statue vandalizedReported to CV$2,000
June 5, 2023QueensNew YorkSt. JosephMan throws consecrated hosts on floor, ransacks church$5,000
June 10, 2023MiamiFloridaSt. Timothy"Pigs", "perverts" graffitied; church and school ransacked$20,000.00
June 16, 2023DenverColoradoAnnunciation Church & SchoolSatanic graffiti$2,500
June 18, 2023WickliffeOhioOur Lady of Mount CarmelStations of the Cross grotto vandalized$5,000
June 21, 2023Coos BayOregonSt. MonicaMary statue vandalizedReported to CV$1,000
June 28, 2023BuffaloNew YorkSt. Rose of LimaMan kicks over Blessed Mother statue$1,000
June 28, 2023JohnstownPennsylvaniaSt. ClementPavilion vandalized$10,000
June 30, 2023SilveradoCaliforniaSantiago Retreat CenterNewly dedicated cross at Catholic retreat center cut down$500
July 8, 2023QueensNew YorkSt. JosephMan disrupts youth choir practice$0
July 8, 2023BrooklynNew YorkResurrection ChurchMan spray-paints "fake" on Blessed Mother statue$1,000
July 11, 2023WestfieldNew JerseyHoly TrinityStatues knocked over$0
July 13, 2023MelvilleLouisianaSt. John the Evangelist
Priest attacked with machete$0
July 15, 2023New YorkNew YorkOur Lady of the Rosary / St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ShrineMan wearing priestly vestments smashes crucifix$5,000
July 17, 2023El PasoTexasMost Holy Trinity Catholic ChurchCrosses turned upside down, 666 spray-painted, chrism oil dumped arrest man accused of vandalizing El Paso Catholic church | Catholic News Agency$4,000
July 18, 2023ElmdaleMinnesotaSt. EdwardArson causes extensive damage$100,000
July 22, 2023MinneapolisMinnesotaSt. Charles BorromeoSchool ransacked; 700+ man hours required to clean up$25,000
July 25, 2023DuluthMinnesotaSt. Mary Star of the SeaAltar damaged and Mary statue destroyed$20,000
July 29, 2023OgdensburgNew YorkNotre DameRocks and a baseball thrown through stained glass windows$35,000
August 1, 2023AlbuquerqueNew MexicoSt. Anne'sBlessed Mother statue stolen$2,000
August 6, 2023Staten IslandNew YorkSacred HeartMan pleads guilty to hate crime after threatening priest$0
August 12, 2023WilloughbyOhioImmaculate ConceptionAltar ransacked; attempted arson$15,000
August 23, 2023Grand BlancMichiganHoly FamilyChurch ransacked by vandals; sacred objects desecrated$20,000
August 31, 2023SalemOregonSt. JosephArson causes serious damage$1,000,000
September 1, 2023LewistonMaineBasilica of Sts. Peter & PaulWoman throws rocks through windows$5,000
September 2, 2023VeronaNew JerseyOur Lady of LakeMan smashes Jesus statue with hammer then turns self in$1,500
September 3, 2023El CampoTexasSt. Robert BellarmineTabernacle stolen$30,000
September 4, 2023Santa ClaritaCaliforniaOur Lady of Perpetual HelpSchool ransacked; fires set$50,000
September 10, 2023LewistonMaineHoly FamilyTwo statues from Fatima scene smashed$3,000
September 12, 2023LockportLouisianaHoly Savior Catholic SchoolJesus statue beheaded$2,000
September 16, 2023Grand BlancMichiganHoly FamilyChurch vandalized for the second time in a month$2,000
September 16, 2023LewistonMaineHoly FamilyRemaining statues from Fatima scene stolen$2,000
September 24, 2023Yokuts ValleyCaliforniaSt. Rita Indian MissionTabernacle containing consecrated hosts stolen from rural missionThief runs off with stolen tabernacle and sacred elements from Yokuts Valley church - YouTube$10,000
September 30, 2023ElmhurstIllinoisMary Queen of HeavenPro-life memorial dismantled$1,000
October 1, 2023CincinnatiOhioSt. Monica & St. GeorgeLarge Vote No on Issue 1 sign (about abortion ballot initiative) thrown in dumpster$100
October 1, 2023CincinnatiOhioCathedral Basilica of St. Peter in ChainsVote No on Issue 1 signs (about abortion ballot initiative) stolen, fence vandalized$500
October 1, 2023OxfordOhioSt. Mary'sLarge 8x8 ft and 4x4 ft Vote No on Issue 1 signs (about abortion ballot initiative) destroyed; new signs being stolen multiple times per week$300
October 2, 2023FentonMissouriSt. PaulPro-life memorial defaced$500
October 2, 2023MadawaskaMaineSt. Thomas AquinasMan causes hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage$300,000
October 6, 2023East BridgewaterMassachusettsSt. John the Evangelist
Altar set on fire; two 12-year-olds charged$20,000
October 8, 2023TampaFloridaSt. Mark the EvangelistMan sets fire to church at 11:30 AM on a Sunday$50,000
October 9, 2023BroussardLouisianaSacred Heart of JesusSacred Heart of Jesus statue vandalized[0]=AZUWsZb0xDhJ6hWhOeOP-H0uD5yzYPaOg5ZaFjmDe-Fna99FMGthd-ZZs0BXOUPBbfalk5Hdsfetsl-cJyhb7Dc2s2GI_XbM3U2os6rOMhcjpGeG0XqxEQ2dFXmyjK57PZy4kbj8uqeXXdhOIan3yIFabt9TiOL2ssK9200EEL7SdSc9zB6SCdLWIQoqHRFiBEY&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R$1,000
October 16, 2023BisbeeArizonaSt. PatrickCross stolen from tabernacle/altar$5,000
October 18, 2023CentervilleOhioIncarnation Catholic ChurchPro-life voting sign spray-painted$100
October 24, 2023BostonMassachusettsCathedral of the Holy CrossMan caught on video attacking crucifix$7,500
October 29, 2023CincinnatiOhioSt. BartholomewEight Vote No on Issue 1 signs (about abortion ballot initiative) removed and replaced with Vote Yes signs$100
October 29, 2023San FranciscoCaliforniaSts. Peter & PaulMan steals consecrated host, assaults parishioner, detonates explosives at police$0
October 31, 2023QueensNew YorkSt. Andrew Avellino110-year-old Blessed Mother statute damaged$10,000
November 1, 2023PortlandOregonHoly FamilyStained glass doors smashed$20,000
November 1, 2023Staten IslandNew YorkSacred HeartSt. Francis of Assisi statue decapitated; Jesus statue's hands cut off$8,000
November 5, 2023StocktonCaliforniaCathedral of the AnnunciationVandalism at Catholic church in Stockton under investigation as potential hate crime$10,000
November 11, 2023Eagle RiverAlaskaSt. AndrewChurch spray-painted with phallic symbols for third time in 18 months$5,000
November 22, 2023IrwindaleCaliforniaOur Lady of Guadalupe MissionCentury-old mission church ransacked$5,000
November 29, 2023IndianapolisIndianaSt. MarySt. Joseph statue destroyed$5,000
December 10, 2023Fort CalhounNebraskaSt. John the BaptistPriest stabbed to death in parish rectory$0
December 11, 2023LouisvilleKentuckyOur Lady of Mount CarmelMan spray-paints Blessed Mother statue$1,100
December 15, 2023San AntonioTexasSt. MatthewMan makes terroristic threat towards church$0
December 22, 2023SebreeKentuckySt. Michael'sMan assaults priest during Mass$0
December 24, 2023GreensboroNorth CarolinaOur Lady of GraceVandalism on Christmas Eve
December 25, 2023Benton HarborMichiganSs. John & BernardBlessed Mother statue destroyed on ChristmasReported to CV$2,000
January 7, 2024PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaOur Lady of LourdesNativity scene destroyed$5,000
January 8, 2024LouisvilleKentuckyOur Lady of Mount CarmelMan spray-paints Blessed Mother statue for second time in 30 days$1,100
January 16, 2024PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaBasilica of Sts. Peter & PaulPro-life display vandalizedReported to CV$1,000
January 27, 2024BrooklynNew YorkSt. Columba'sFour vandals damage cross & window, attempt to break in$1,000
January 30, 2024San FranciscoCaliforniaSt. AugustineMan fires 18 bullets at Catholic church$20,000
February 7, 2024LincolnNebraskaCatholic Social Services of Southern NebraskaMan hurls five-foot tall Blessed Mother statue into dumpster$500
February 9, 2024QueensNew YorkSt. Rita'sMan throws traffic cone through stained glass window$10,000
February 15, 2024WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaBasilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate ConceptionBlessed Mother statue smashed with hammer$2,500
February 15, 2024New YorkNew YorkSt. Patrick's CathedralTransgender activists deceive cathedral into holding funeral in which they blasphemed and desecrated the cathedral
February 19, 2024PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaNational Shrine of St. John NeumannBricks and rocks thrown through stained glass windows$20,000
February 21, 2024New YorkNew YorkImmaculate ConceptionMan topples Jesus statue in rampage$3,000
February 28, 2024PortlandOregonThe Grotto MonasteryMan ransacks monastery
March 3, 2024OmahaNebraskaSt. Frances CabriniWoman breaks in to and ransacks church rectory, barricades herself inside
March 3, 2024New YorkNew YorkSt. Mary Byzantine Catholic ParishMultiple intruders ransack rectory and church office

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